How to NOT get started
Buy a turbine jet that goes more than 300 km/h and cost more than your car - because you will destroy it!!!
How to get started
Do not start with a cool fighter jet - you will destroy it!!!
- Get something simple to fly
- Tiny indoor drone (with prop protection)
- Stabilized camera drone (with prop protection)
- A Trainer airplane (with recovery function or dihedral)
- Tiny indoor drone (with prop protection)
- Get a simulator and use it for some time
Areas of the hobby
- Planes
- Glider (with or without motor)
- High wing (trainer / STOL)
- Mid wing (3d)
- Low wing (warbirds)
- Wing
- Glider (with or without motor)
- Helicopters
- Scale
- 3D
- Scale
- Drones
- Camera (typical DJI)
- Cinematic (mix off freestyle and camera)
- Freestyle / Racing
- Camera (typical DJI)
- FPV (First Person View)
Race / Freestyle / Long range / Mission
- Building your own
- Foamboard / Depron
- Balsawood
- Tech Challenge
- Foamboard / Depron
Is this something you can imagine to get into?
You probably tried now lots of different things in the sim and had lots of fun with huge helicopters or extreme jets or maybe even with a 1/3 scale piper cub. Don’t by anything like that yet!!!
Find a local club
Good your town name and combine it with rc/model airplane and the changes are pretty good that you find something. Types of clubs
- Just for fun - small crappy airfield and you can fly what you want - no matter how old or cheap it was.
- Normal Clubs - medium airfield - wide variety of mentality
- Bigger Clubs - professional airfield, clubhouse, youth group - sometimes expect that everyone has to fly a 3000$ or more model to call it rc-flying,
If the club in your town feels not right for you, have a look at a club in the surrounding. There will be one that meet your style.
What all clubs have in common that is that you need to have an insurance (~50€ a year in Germany)
License? / Legal?
Learn about the rules from your club. Or checkout the Kenntnisnachweis from the dmfv
What else do I need?
- Remote Control
There are tons of different brands and styles out there - but ask the people at your local club on with systems they can help you with
- if you just want something that works and works with lots of stuff - use Spektrum
- if you are a developer - get a radiomaster tx16s or pocket and get into openTX/edgeTX
- if you want to fly a jet - get a Jeti system
Just make sure you get something you can connect to the pc / simulator
- Charger
Start with a simple “4 button” charger and later when you know what you want, get a 2-4 port charger
Some links
(that hopfully still work)
- RC Airplane/tech intro by FliteTest on youtube
- FliteTest beginner guide
- Drone Shopping list by the FPV Guru JoshuaBardwell
- Tutorials, Fun and Informations on Freestyle Drones by RotorRiot