Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “aws”
Get into modern IT
Struggle to find a way to modern IT? Cloud, DevOps, SRE, Serverless and many more terms are everywhere today and most likely will not disappear anywhere soon. So get a good starting point is really important.
Who are you? Ask yourself what kind of person you are and pick your way.
Afraid of all the new thinks I created a small workshop where you get get your hands dirty and learn all the terms hands on.
AWS Amplify Intro
Why should i care about it If you are a developer or an UX designer wanting to build a public website dealing with data and users and don’t want to learn all trillion tech’s needed for. Or you are just sick of writing boiler plate code.
Goal Have a simple data structure that allows via a Website to CRUD (Create, Read, update and delete) items in a visually not to ugly way and secure everything with a user management.